Instructions to Oral Presenters
The program committee was delighted with the number and diversity of abstracts that were received and we expect the conference to be a great one. We had over 100 presentation proposals submitted. Please review and follow the following guidelines for a streamlined implementation of the program. The identified presenter of all accepted oral presentations will be contacted and provided with the following information as well. Note, you must use the same email on your registration as the one on your presentation. If you need to alter one, please contact
August 19, 2021 H5II Presenter Trainer
VENUE: The entire H5II conference will be virtual using the software PheedLoop. Presenters will receive access to the speaker portal to create a public profile and upload their pre-recorded presentation (details below). We plan to send links to the speaker portal by the end of August. Although you can access this portal before you are registered, please register by September 14. Note, please use the same email on your registration as that used for your abstract submission. Please contact with questions.
Future emails will be generated from the PheedLoop system and will come from the email address ““. Since some email systems may route these emails to a junk folder, you may want to save it to a safe sender list.
PROGRAM: The program consists of one keynote and two plenary talks at the beginning of each day and 2 to 3 concurrent sessions after a break. On October 6, we will have a virtual field trip in the afternoon, events for students, an evening social, and other interactive activities.
- Please refer to the detailed program schedule on this website ( Check back periodically for minor updates.
- If you find you must change any program information (including presenter), please notify so that we may load the correct program information into onto the system in preparation of the conference. Please
PRESENTATIONS: During each two-hour session, there will be four to six 15-minute presentations followed by an interactive discussion led by the moderator. All speakers are asked to be present prior to the start of the session through the finish of the discussion.
- All presentations will be pre-recorded to avoid internet issues.
- All recordings are due COB on September 14, 2021; instructions have been mailed to speakers. If you have questions, please email
- Record the presentation using the MS Powerpoint recording feature. Please convert the file to mp4 format and limit your slide size to 16:9 (widescreen).
- Include a short introduction of yourself at the beginning of your talk.
View or Download Speaker Portal Instructions
For instructions on how to record a presentation within Powerpoint and save as mp4 format , please view this video: In addition, we offered a live training session on August 19th. This session was recorded and posted at the top of this page.
REGISTRATION. All presenters are required to register and pay for the conference no later than September 14, 2021. If the speaker is not registered by this date, their presentation will be removed from the schedule.
- Your registration profile and speaker profile will be synched together by your email, so be sure to use the same email for both.
- Please register at
Cancellation. If you are unable to attend the conference, please let us know immediately. We may not be able to fully refund registration fees after September 1, but the registration can be transferred to another person.
Specifics for Keynote and Plenary speakers
The daily keynote presenters are given 30 minutes and the plenary presenters are each given 25 minutes for their talk. You may use all of the 25 or 30 minutes of your presentation time for your talk, but please be sure to begin your pre-recorded presentation with a short introduction of yourself.
Please pre-record and upload your talk to the speaker portal as described above by September 14, 2021.
Following the three presentations each day, time for a questions and discussion will follow in separate networking rooms during break. Each presenter will be assigned a distinct room to meet with interested attendees through the 30 minute break period (9:30-10am) with the option to network throughout the conference. Remember, participants generally rate interaction as the best part of a virtual conference so please make this time interesting and informative.
Please register and follow the required submission deadline of September 14, 2021. All other information described above for oral presentations applies.