Attached Meetings
Sign up for the CCE meeting on the Conference Registration page
CCE Hi5 Annual Meeting- Virtual
Crown Managers Partnership Hi5 Working Group 6th Annual Meeting
- When: Monday, October 4, 2021 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Where: Virtual via Zoom
- Contact: Natalie Poremba, email: natalie.poremba@flbs.umt.edu
- Sign up: Please sign up for this meeting via the H5II Conference Registration page; the Zoom link will be shared with registrants.
The Crown Managers Partnership Hi5 working group of managers, scientists, industry, and other stakeholders is dedicated to conserving and restoring five-needle pine populations throughout the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. At this meeting, the group will share their progress in forwarding projects on the Crown landscape. Specific attention will be given to the Crown-wide Five Needle Pine Restoration Strategy, a project with the primary purpose of identifying where and what restoration actions are appropriate to maintain viable populations of whitebark and limber pine that deliver high value ecosystem services now and into the future. The group will share the results of their analysis and strategize on how to best implement their findings.
Topic: 6th Annual CCE Hi5 Working Group MeetingTime: Oct 4, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://umontana.zoom.us/j/92079818442
Meeting ID: 920 7981 8442One tap mobile+12532158782,,92079818442# US (Tacoma)+13462487799,,92079818442# US (Houston)
Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF) Members Meeting
• When: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 12:15- 12:45 PM
• Where: Virtual via Zoom
• Contact: Julee Shamhart julee.shamhart@whitebarkfound.org
• Sign up: No advance signup is needed. More details on the meeting and Zoom access will be provided closer to the meeting date.
Annually, the WPEF meets with the membership during the Science and Management Meeting or in this case, the large H5II Conference. We invite our WPEF members, conference attendees, and other community supporters to join us for this short, but very important, opportunity to hear Foundation updates.
Photo this page: tree climbers, photo by Iain Robert Reid (featured image)